Day Three
Monday, 8 October 2007
We drove up to the Pinocchio Park at Codolli, near Lucca. We had lunch at a nearby cafe and spent the afternoon looking for the ‘real’ Pinocchio, ( last seen in Disneyworld), as Henry was not too keen on the more traditional character. The boys did enjoy hunting in the woods for the Pirate ship and the whale that swallowed Pinocchio and later visited the circus caravans for a ‘hat making’ session and story time. We went into Lucca, (which was lovely) for our evening meal and ate perfect pizza and banana splits in one of the little squares. We liked Lucca and thought it was very pretty with the sun setting pink over its city walls!
We had enough of taking pictures and videos with my stupid little phone, so we took the plunge and bought a new camera!!! (Hopefully the pictures will improve now!)